Geeta uses a multi-layered and multi-perspective approach to help her clients fully capture the art and nuance of singing. Her methodology encompasses both her extensive training and experience in the performing arts world coupled with her knowledge and practice of health and wellness. Through a combination of both technical and intuitive methods, Geeta helps her clients develop a deep connection to their breath, undeniably the most important aspect of singing. Geeta also helps her clients become emotionally and instinctually connected to their voice. Each session is tailored to the client and guided by the moment. The ultimate focus is on growth, not perfection.
From the established celebrity honing their talent to the casual vocalist who enjoys the therapeutic and confidence-building benefits of singing- clients of all ages, abilities and styles seek Geeta for her passionate style of teaching. Geeta offers both vocal training and coaching for a multitude of genres.
The health benefits of singing are scientifically backed, and hold solid scientific evidence that proves singing is good for your body and your mind.
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A mutual client/teacher exchange happens in a safe space. Together, goals are achieved in a nurturing, synergetic environment.
The concentrative aspects of singing heighten physical and mental awareness which places you in the moment where anxieties are allayed. This also...
Creates mindfulness to alleviate our fight or flight responses
Releases dopamine and endorphins, the "feel good" hormones
Releases oxytocin, which alleviates anxiety and stress and promotes trust & bonding
Improves speech by building and strengthening the muscles we use to speak
During sessions with Geeta, clients can expect to:
Learn to integrate the core breath support necessary to sing to your full potential
Explore different avenues of musical and emotional expression
Develop a deep rooted technique using both a classical and intuitive approach to cultivate musicianship
Harness both the head and chest voices through a variety of vocal training exercises, song studies, ear training, pitch control, and music theory​
Improve performance techniques and build self-confidence
Learn strategies on how to preserve and protect the voice
Partake in integrative sound therapy, such as the Vocal Immersion Sound Bath
Build the holistic body and strong core for singing by combining intensive singing exercises and deep breathing
Restore confidence, rebuild the voice, and create healthy technique for singers and non-singers who suffer from sustained vocal chord injuries, fatigue, illness, overuse, atrophy, or performance anxiety
Discover how singing can promote your health and wellness
Private & group sessions
Intensive workshops
Zoom and FaceTime sessions
In-home sessions